Dan Shelley Master Thatcher Featured

D.G.Shelley Master Thatcher, Hatching Green, Harpenden 15th August 2019

It was a great to see and photograph a thatcher at work today. Dan Shelley is a sixth generation thatcher based in St Albans. www.hertsthatcher.com

If you think this is a dying art you might be surprised to hear that they are as busy as they can be. The average cottage will take 2 people 5 weeks to complete. A good thatcher will have work booked for 1 year and sometimes 3 years in advance. They work throughout the year and rain does not stop them working.

To see more images follow the link https://richardwashbrooke.photoshelter.com/gallery/Hatching-Green-Harpenden-15th-August-2019/G0000k.MBepYXW_U/C00001T0T5cZuHq4